Email di verifica dal Registro Cinese

28/09/2011 Il CNNIC (il registro cinese.CN Registry) effettuerà dal 29 settembre 2011 un controllo sull'identità dei titolari dei domini .cn, la procedura prevede un invio massiccio ai titolari dei domini cn, pertanto tutti coloro che hanno registrato un nome a dominio .cn, potrebbero aver necessità di confermare la propria identità cliccando semplicemente un link riportato nella notifica del Registro cinese.

Sono esenti dalla verifica tutti coloro che già hanno confermato la loro identità durante la verifica del 2010.

+++ Esempio di email di notifica da parte del CNNIC +++
Domain Name Information Confirmation
(Please do not reply to the sender)
Dear CN Domain Name User:
This email is from China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), as the government authorities in China, CNNIC takes the responsibility of China's domain name registry to operate and administrate. Thank you for registering CN domain name!
CNNIC will send the .cn Domain Name Information Confirmation email in 2011.
For the non-confirmed domain name, we will take necessary measures. This may cause the unavailability of the corresponded Internet Website and emails of such domain name. In order to guarantee your domain name can be used normally and protect your rights of being a domain name holder in future, we are writing you to ask your kindly co-operation with us as following:
According to the policy in Article 28th of "China Internet Domain Name
Regulations": applicant for domain name registrant shall submit true, accurate and complete domain name registration information and sign a registrant agreement with domain name registrar. Upon completion of domain name registration, applicant of domain name registrant will become a registered domain name holder.
In order to protect your rights of being a domain name holder, please follow the prompts to check and confirm your domain name registration information.
Registrant Information
Registrant ID:contactzq090601
Registrant Name:zhangqian
Registrant Organization:orgcnnic01
Registrar : CNNIC
If your domain name registration information is true, accurate and complete, please click the following URL to confirm:!confirmOk.action?id=636f6e746163747a71303930363031
If the above URL is not responding, copy the link to browser's address bar to be connected.
If your domain name registration information is inaccurate and incomplete, please contact the domain name belongs to registrar to modify it soon. And then the registrar will send all modified ID back to CNNIC for re-confirm purpose. Once CNNIC has confirmed the modification, we will send you another confirmation letter with update information to let you complete the rest process, such as click the URL link to confirm the domains name.
We appreciate your kindly cooperation. If you have any further questions, please send email to ASAP or consult with your domain name registrar.
Best regards
China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)

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